Long exposure- / Follow the Artists on location

Discover all the secrets of Multi-exposition and Long Exposure photography during a full day/night masterclass with the Artist. Push the boundaries of your camera far beyond automated functions. Share the passion, explore inspiring new places and reveal the deepest shadows and colors of the city from a unique point-of-view. 

Master FX Digital Compositing

Learn how to Create legendary landscapes to trigger your viewers imagination by building your photography projects as if you were in an Erik Johansson composition. Masterize lighting, depth of field and color toning under guidance of the artist during an online private lessons cycle using Lightroom, Photoshop, Skylum Luminar and After Effects Softwares.

Aerial Photography Workshop

What defines a good aerial photography ? Picking the right angle, managing your focus and point of view, struggling with backlighting and creating a foreground while keeping an eye on your battery life and wind direction may be a challenge, even for the experienced photographer. In the beautiful frame of Rouge-Cloître, learn the basics of safe flying for digital aerial photography along this 2 hours workshop, every UAV welcome, depending the weather.

The Urban Scene Workshop

Discover your own way to compose with the wonderful moments of daily life, where brick walls become your canvas and city little secret places the scene for inspiring moments. Spend half a day with the artist in a random place of Brussels and let the journey begin...

My Services
  • +33 652 411 487
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